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    Wine Peru Regions: Exclusive Tastings In Ica’s Finest Vineyards

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    Peru has more than one charm in its interior, currently one of the main attractions are the Wine Peru Regions that are located mainly in the coastal area of the country. In these Wine Peru Regions you can find not only the best wines but also its derivative which is currently considered as the national drink, the Pisco with which you can elaborate the Pisco Sour. Auri Peru tells you everything you need to know about the Wine Peru Regions and how you can add them to your 2024 visit.

    Among the main Wine Peru Regions are the cities of Lima, Arequipa, Moquegua, Ica and Tacna due to the spectacular climate that are the ideal location for the production of pisco and wine for the last centuries. But Ica is undoubtedly the most important Wine Peru Region in the whole country because it also contains a great variety of grape types.

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    wine peru regions


    Something that many people do not know is that thanks to the Wine Peru Regions that still exist today, Peru has been catalogued as the oldest wine producing country in South America. During the colonial time, Lima was considered the city of kings where the colonizers started with the first vineyard plantations, using some variants of the Canary Island grape with which they managed to produce wine for the first time in Peru in the XVI century.

    Soon the vineyards expanded mainly to the south due to the pleasant climate which increased their production. The main Wine Peru Regions were Ica, Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna, this made that in the XVII and XVIII century Peru became one of the main wine sellers. With the passing of time the Wine Peru Regions were affected due to natural disasters that occurred in the region such as earthquakes or insect plagues, added to the taxes of the Spanish crown for its commerce.

    Because of this, the remaining Wine Peru Regions concentrated on the production of pisco, which was made with the smallest and sweetest grapes, as well as Burgundy, which is a sweet grape.

    wine peru regions


    “Did you know that… a glass of wine prolongs your life by 3 days. This is because in a bottle of wine you can find all the basic minerals required by the body: calcium, chloride, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc, a complete group of antioxidants.”

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    3.1.- Lima

    Although Lima is the capital of Peru, it is not the main city that produces grapes, in fact about 80% of its production is centered in the sector of Cañete very close to Lunahuana. Almost all of its production is dedicated to the production of pisco and a small part for wine (mainly burgundy wine) although in recent years there has been an interest in producing better quality wines.

    wine peru regions lima

    3.2.- Ica Valley: The Heart of Peruvian Wine

    It is the capital of Pisco and Wine Peru Regions, being the most important because it offers a wine and pisco tasting experience out of the ordinary. The Tacama vineyard is considered the oldest in the new world, it is said that it was founded in 1540 by Francisco de Carabantes and thanks to this is one of the most popular vineyards and visited every day, you can also find the vineyard of Intipalka, Murga and Mimo.

    wine peru regions ica valley

    3.3.- Arequipa

    This Wine Peru Region is also characterized for being the second largest city in the whole country and is an agricultural center and producer of pisco and wine for centuries, the main sectors that you find here are Majes which is a river valley where the climate is constantly a factor that helps a lot and Caraveli located at 1800 meters above sea level, has more than 200 years old that is why they still produce their wine in traditional jars.

    wine peru regions arequipa majes

    3.4.- Moquegua

    Although it is one of the smallest cities in the country, it is one of the main Wine Peru Regions, because everywhere you look you will find clay jars where wine is produced. Nowadays it is made in old Creole vineyards producing mainly Pisco, Mistela and juice as well as macerates which are fruit liqueurs.

    wine peru regions moquegua

    3.5.- Tacna

    Very close to Chile is this Wine Peru Region, it has a great history related to Pisco. Its main production is based on the Negra Criolla type wine, which is one of the most important in the whole region, then there is the Italia and Quebranta. Besides the production of wine, it is also a great producer of olives.

    wine peru regions tacna


    In the Wine Peru Regions there are many varieties of wines and this is due to the type of grapes used in its elaboration, grapes that are not found in any other part of the world. Peru has an incredible diversity with countless varieties, the most important are:

    • Quebranta: It is considered as the flagship grape of Peru, it is mainly used for the production of Pisco which has a taste similar to Brandy. Although of course it is not its only use, it is also used for the production of red wine which is the favorite of the people who live there.

    wine peru regions quebranta wine

    • Torontel: It is a curious white grape variety that is cultivated all over Peru, it is mainly used in white and aromatic wines with small touches of tropical fruits and citric sensations.

    torontel wine

    • Tanta: This is a grape that has French origin that is mainly produced for the elaboration of red wines with tannin body, which makes it an excellent choice for those who love bold and more robust wines.


    • Negro Criollo: This is one of the native grapes of Peru, thanks to this type of grape red wines are produced with a unique flavor that many describe as spicy or earthy.

    wine peru regions negro criollo


    “If you reject food, ignore customs, fear religion and avoid people, it is better to stay at home.”



    Recognized worldwide, Peruvian gastronomy is always a topic of conversation, whether for its incomparable flavor or for the curious culinary experience that involves direct participation in its preparation. It is a tradition that surpasses generations and by visiting the Wine Peru Regions you can taste:

    • Ceviche: Mentioned and recognized as the flagship dish of Peru, it is a citrus dish that combines the fresh flavor of fish with the sweetness of Peruvian sweet potato and the citrus sensations of lemon, ideal to combine with Torontol grape wine that is easily savored with citrus.

    wine peru regions ceviche torontol

    • Anticuchos: They are pieces of meat marinated in herbs that give it a unique flavor, they combine perfectly with red wine made with Tannat grapes.

    red wine

    • Aji de gallina: It is a creamy dish like a sauce, made mainly with pieces of chicken and onion that delights the most demanding palates, it combines perfectly with white wine.

    wine peru regions white wine

    • Cause: It is a potato-based dish with a unique flavor that can be easily combined with pieces of chicken, tuna or avocado. It also combines perfectly with a white and aromatic wine.
    • Chaufa: A dish typical of the fusion of Peruvian food and Chinese food, whether you choose it with chicken, meat or pork, Burgundy wine will be the perfect companion for this occasion, especially sparkling wine.

    sparkling wine


    • What is the Vendimia Festival and when does it take place?

    Among the most important Wine Peru Regions is Ica, the place where the Harvest is celebrated, a celebration that has been held since 1958 and until today, celebrated in the month of May, it is an incredible experience for all travelers who come to this part of the country. It is celebrated in the month of May from the 17th to the 19th on a regular basis.

    • How does Peruvian wine compare to other South American wines?

    Peruvian wine and pisco are distinguished from other countries by the unique flavor they represent. Unlike other countries, its flavor is more oriented towards providing a palate experience, it is not just flavor.

    • What Peruvian dishes pair well with local wines?

    Peruvian gastronomy is an example of art, each dish is a sample of culture, among the main dishes that combine perfectly with wines is ceviche as the flagship dish of Peru, also causa rellena, lomo saltado, aji de gallina and many others.

    • Can I bring Peruvian wine back to my home country?

    Yes, of course, you can carry up to 5 liters of drinks in sealed containers as long as they have between 24 and 70 degrees of alcohol. During the control of your luggage, if you exceed this limit, you must pay a tax established by the airline you choose.

    Now you know, including at least 2 or 3 Wine Peru Regions in your program is a must to really get to know the Peruvian flavor of the most delicious drink in the world, we are sure you will delight in it. Auri Peru helps you to include these destinations in your tour at the beginning, middle or final days, contact us and design your next adventure in the best way.

    “Tasting new flavors and visiting new places have the same purpose, to experience new sensations.”







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