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    Sillustani tombs

    Sillustani Tombs: Ancient Andean Burial Towers

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    Of all the magical destinations that Peru has certainly one of the most mysterious is very close to Lake Titicaca, this is the impressive Sillustani Tombs, getting to visit them adds a historical touch to your trip plus it is one of the best experiences around Puno. The visit to the Sillustani Tombs is a half day experience so it doesn’t take long to visit. Auri Peru can help you to add the visit to the Sillustani Tombs Peru during your trip.

    Your visit to the Sillustani Tombs will also allow you to enjoy a different glimpse of the city of Puno and at the same time the impressive Lake Titicaca, which is the highest navigable lake in the world. Let’s discover together all that awaits us when visiting the mysterious Sillustani Tombs Peru on your 2024 trip.

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    Sillustani tombs intro


    The Sillustani Tombs are a vestige of Inca culture, they are located 40 kilometers from the city of Puno so the trip is long but it gives you enough time to visit the city. There are people who think that the Inca Tombs of Sillustani are part of an ancient cemetery in which were buried only the most important Andean priests of the culture, however this is not confirmed at all, the only record we have so far is the presence of these large funerary towers.

    The particularity of the Sillustani Tombs is that its shape is not usually square or rectangular like other popular constructions, it is a perfect cylinder and although it is attributed as belonging to the Inca culture the reality is that they are much older, finally the Sillustani Tombs were inherited to the Inca culture as part of the culture, in this period the Sillustani Tombs functioned as a sacred burial place only for people who belonged to the nobility as rulers, nobles and of course their families. They remained intact for a long time but because of what they contained were looted and some were not completed, fortunately they still maintain their charm and after the islands of Uros or Lake Titicaca, this is the most visited place in the entire region of Puno.

    Sillustani tombs surrounding areas

    Each one of the Inca Tombs of Sillustani has a different characteristic, some show when they were built and are clearly differentiated from the rest. There are some Sillustani Tombs that were built by the Collas and are characterized by rectangular blocks on the other hand the Sillustani Tombs made by the Incas had blocks of many shapes but in both cases the people who were buried inside the Sillustani Tombs were accompanied by treasures, jewels and food that according to the Andean belief was to accompany him in the next life.


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    The easiest way to visit the Sillustani Tombs Peru is from the city of Puno. Although many people take the day to visit it, some people also choose to visit the Sillustani Tombs when it is their last day and they are on their way to the airport in Juliaca. You can choose to hire a cab but make sure it is reliable, for this you can use the InDriver application or you can also hire a private service with your travel agency, usually the travel time is 45 minutes each way. However there is also the possibility that you have arrived in Puno on your own, in that case near the main square you can find multiple travel agencies that offer half day tours for an affordable price of $35.00 dollars per person this includes transportation and guide.

    how to get to Sillustani tombs


    Very close to where the Sillustani Tombs are located, it is also possible to appreciate the shore of the Umayo Lake, this place is a natural mirror of the wide and incredible environment of the area. Inside you can see a small island that has the function of being a nature reserve for local vicuñas and has an expansion of 8 kilometers long but only 3 km wide. It is a place not to be missed if you plan to visit the Sillustani Tombs Peru, of course because its height of 3844 meters above sea level represents a challenge to visit, however if you dare to do it, it will be worth it.

    Sillustani tombs umayo lake



    General admission s/10.00 soles per person
    Monday to Sunday From 08:30 am until 17:30 pm



    “The Sillustani Tombs is located more than 4000 meters above sea level so it is common that the cold is intense, no matter if the sun is with all its brightness, the cold is felt permanently so remember to always wear a coat. It also allows you to enjoy the incredible view of the Umayo Lake which attracts some Andean birds.”

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    • Who built the Sillustani Tombs?

    Although currently associated with the Inca culture, studies have shown that the Sillustani Tombs were built during the period of the Colla and Lupaca culture, who inhabited the entire region of Puno from the twelfth to the sixteenth century. They were mainly characterized by their funerary tradition. Subsequently, when the culture was inherited, it was passed between generations until the Incas.

    • What is the purpose of the Sillustani Tombs?

    The Inca Tombs of Sillustani were used with a religious and funerary purpose at the same time, it is said that here were buried the people who belonged only to the nobility of the ancient inhabitants of Collao, although the meaning of the structure is not known, it is thought that the higher the tower was, the greater the importance was, some reached more than 12 meters and had a base of smaller diameter.

    • Can visitors enter the tombs?

    All visitors seeking to know the Sillustani Tombs can access an area near these same, the Peruvian government seeks to protect the remains of these incredible structures so it is forbidden for people to approach more than 2 meters of these same, obviously can not enter inside.

    • What’s the best time of year to visit Sillustani Tombs?

    You can visit the Sillustani Tombs at any time of the year, however you should know that to get here from the parking lot is about 15 minutes of climbing and walking so it is always better to do it during the dry season (May to October), so you do not have problems with slipping on the road, also as this place is located at altitude, regularly in the rainy season (November to April) it can snow and it becomes slightly dangerous.

    sillustani tombs best time to visit

    • Are guided tours available at Sillustani?

    Yes, as in other archaeological centers in the region. When you enter the sector of Sillustani there are site guides who offer their services to accompany you during your stay. They can cost from s/50.00 soles to more for 1 to 3 hours. Of course there is always the option of taking the service from Puno which makes it safer and more reliable.

    sillustani tombs guided tours

    Definitely adding a little time to know the Sillustani Tombs will be the best decision you can make in 2024, Auri Peru gives you incredible options that include this place along with the Titicaca Lake and the option to spend 1 night in one of the natural islands, contact us now and start planning your next unforgettable experience.

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