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    Ideas for Vacation in Peru

    Discovering Peru: A Land Of Ancient Wonders And Modern Marvels

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    There are many Ideas for Vacation in Peru with personal and group planning, if you have in mind to take any of the Vacation in Peru Packages it is a good idea to start planning them during 2024. Auri Peru is a specialist in designing alternative Family vacations in Peru so you can enjoy them in the best way.

    Any of our Vacation in Peru Packages give you a complete trip back in time allowing you not only to know more about the culture, history and traditions but also to live it today, discover with us all the Ideas for Vacation in Peru that we have ready for you.

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    Ideas for Vacation in Peru


    Some of the best Ideas for Vacation in Peru are created months in advance and others overnight, what is certain is that Peru as a tourist destination is undoubtedly unique. Thanks to its variety of natural, historical and cultural destinations it becomes ideal for travelers who venture out on their own, with friends or even to make Family vacations in Peru memorable.

    Peru is one of the Andean countries located on the west coast of South America, bordered by neighboring countries such as Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile and the Pacific Ocean which allows its geography to be as varied as the number of fish in the sea. From countless mountain ranges in the Peruvian Andes to the mysterious Amazon jungle.

    No matter what time of the year you choose one of the Vacation in Peru Packages, it will always be an ideal destination for you according to your planning, from cultural, traditional and even the most daring experiences, there is always an option for you.


    2.1.- Best times to visit

    Many of the Ideas for Vacation in Peru become a reality during the months of the dry season, between May and October because during this time the weather becomes more stable with no sudden changes in temperature and very little rain throughout the day. During this time of the year the Vacation in Peru Packages become unique experiences because the adventure activities, traditional, trekking and others can be done without inconveniences, without a doubt this is the best time of the year to make any of the Ideas for Vacation in Peru come true.

    ideas for vacation in peru best time to visit

    2.2.- Visa requirements

    Many of the Ideas for Vacation in Peru become a reality by the correct preparation prior to the trip, this involves from details such as transportation, accommodation and other aspects to basic things like documentation. In order to enjoy without problems any of the Vacation in Peru Packages you must consider that there are some countries that require the use of VISA for the trip, this in addition to the identity document that can be the passport or just the identity card, all this is explained in detail within the website of the Peruvian embassy, here you can find out if your country needs to process a VISA to enter Peru.

    ideas for vacation in peru visa

    2.3.- Health and safety considerations

    You should also keep in mind that many of the Vacation in Peru Packages consider demanding experiences both physically and mentally, so it is a good idea that a few weeks before the trip you do a medical examination of your health, this to know if you require any medication to be well, it is a way to be cautious. Another consideration during the trip is to stay well hydrated, this allows your body to always be oxygenated and avoids being affected by the altitude.

    2.4.- Transportation options within Peru

    In order to experience some of the Ideas for Vacation in Peru you must take into consideration details such as transportation. Peru is a destination that has multiple unique tourist places in the world but to access them you have to move from one place to another in a unique way. Some of the means of transportation that you will necessarily use during your trip are air flights, tourist trains, local buses and private cars. Each one of these makes the Ideas for Vacation in Peru excellent options for everyone and you can arrange them directly with your travel agency or personally.

    ideas for vacation in peru transportation options


    “The truly great adventures are those that improve the soul of the person who lives them.”




    3.1.- Machu Picchu

    In any of the Ideas for Vacation in Peru must be present a visit to Machu Picchu is a must, it is a destination that by affinity makes travel unique and even more for Family vacations in Peru because it can be enjoyed at any age. The Inca citadel presents various experiences beyond the guided tour, some of these are:

    Some of the best Ideas for Vacation in Peru including Machu Picchu consider the experience of getting here the traditional way, this includes the classic 4 day hike through the mountains for or the short 2 day version, this is known as the Inca Trail and is so popular worldwide that it only has limited availability per day, if you are a hiking passionate and want to disconnect from the world then this will be the ideal option for you. Of course it is not the only way, there are other alternative routes to the Inca Trail that make your experience memorable as the Salkantay Valley or the challenging road to Choquequirao, all these Ideas for Vacation in Peru allow you to enjoy the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu.

    ideas for vacation in peru inca trail

    • Natural viewpoints

    A trail designed for those who have the most extreme and challenging Ideas for Vacation in Peru, during your tour of the Inca city you may be able to add a visit to one of the natural viewpoints that exist in its interior.

    • The first is known as the Wayna Picchu mountain is located in the lower part of the city of the Inca and the particularity of this is that its path becomes narrower as you get to the top, this is considered the most demanding also because it has a fairly steep slope and for many travelers has been a complete challenge.
    • The second option is located at the back of the citadel, also known as the Machu Picchu mountain is the highest point of the entire historic sanctuary, although its path is more stable and not as steep, it is more extensive so it is also a great parade for travelers.

    ideas for vacation in peru machupicchu mountain

    3.2.- Sacred Valley

    Among the most traditional Ideas for Vacation in Peru is undoubtedly the visit to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, one of the places near Cusco where you can find craft villages that keep alive the tradition that for generations has been inherited and share it with travelers who come to visit them. Among the main towns that can be visited within the Vacation in Peru Packages are:

    3.2.1.- Pisac

    Generally during trips to the Sacred Valley, this is the first place to visit and has the distinction of being a citadel in the upper part of the mountain besides having a lot of terraces and the largest Inca cemetery throughout the region. Pisac was a multifunctional citadel because inside you can see sectors of housing, agricultural, military, religious and others, we are sure that among the Ideas for Vacation in Peru, Pisac qualifies directly, also not only the attraction is at the top as the town that is at the base of the mountain also contains many attractions that are worth visiting.

    ideas for vacation in peru pisaq

    3.2.2.- Urubamba

    It is located in the middle of the Sacred Valley, is the most recommended place to enjoy family vacations in Peru because here are located most of the exclusive hotels that allow you to enjoy and feel all the peace that the Sacred Valley gives you. It is also an ideal place to enjoy the Andean gastronomy and relax in one of its spas adapted to take away all the stress.

    ideas for vacation in peru urubamba town

    3.2.3.- Ollantaytambo

    An artisan village is also known as the access point for travelers seeking to know Machu Picchu, this artisan village also has the distinction of being on top of a mountain, the impressive thing here is the size of the stones with which most of the enclosures were built, they are huge and come from the quarry that is in front of the mountain, Cachicata. Ollantaytambo also has an artisan village at the base of the mountain that belongs to the colony and where they built a large number of buildings that are still standing today. You can take the opportunity to stroll through its colorful streets while waiting for the train to Machu Picchu.

    ideas for vacation in peru ollantaytambo

    3.2.4.- Chinchero

    This is one of the most traditional villages that still exists, its inhabitants have preserved their customs in a natural and complete way for generations so that for travelers who come here is a unique experience. Undoubtedly visiting it is on the list of the best Ideas for Vacation in Peru, it allows you to experience the culture in a very close way.

    ideas for vacation in peru chinchero

    3.3.- Cusco: The Ancient Inca Capital

    We are sure that you have many Ideas for Vacation in Peru and in all of them should be the visit to Cusco, the center of the Inca culture offers you multiple options of activities and iconic places that you should know in your next trip, from historical places to cultural activities that you can delight in free moments or with scheduled itineraries, some of these are:

    3.3.1.- Plaza de Armas

    Historically speaking this place has witnessed multiple moments that changed the course of history from the founding of the same culture, the heyday of the Inca culture with finely crafted buildings, the arrival of the Spanish and the colonial era where both cultures were mixed. From here you can enjoy a direct view of the cathedral of Cusco, churches such as the Company of Jesus, Triumph and the Holy Family and also here are the main restaurants of the city which perfectly complement our Vacation in Peru Packages, enjoy the incredible architecture can take you all day as it has no end.

    ideas for vacation in peru cusco main square

    3.3.2.- San Blas neighborhood

    Also known as the neighborhood of artisans is listed as one of the best Ideas for Vacation in Peru as a destination, its narrow streets contain not only history but a craft tradition that comes from many generations ago. Visiting this neighborhood you will feel how the essence of the culture is kept alive in each of the workshops where works of art are created, the most important are the Olave, Merida and Mendivil families who always express their art in the main square.

    ideas for vacation in peru san blas neighborhood

    3.3.3.-Archaeological sites

    Our Vacation in Peru Packages always consider the most important places as archaeological centers and near Cusco are some of the most famous as is the case of Saqsayhuaman which was considered as a fortress by the incredible size of the stones used in its construction, then there is Qenqo which was a ceremonial center oriented to the dead and where the mummifications of the nobles were performed. Then you also visit Pukapukara which was considered as a control point due to its strategic location and finally Tambomachay which was considered as an archaeological center oriented to the purification of the body through water, for each of the destinations we have programmed a complete circuit that we call City Tour and we always include it in our Vacation in Peru Packages.

    ideas for vacation in peru sacsayhuaman

    3.4.- Gastronomic experiences

    Peruvian gastronomy is known worldwide, even the capital city of Lima was considered the gastronomic capital of South America, for the great variety of delicious dishes, however it is not only for the taste, the secret is kept in the inputs, the ingredients that are harvested with great care to preserve this flavor and that is possible for all travelers to try, in your 2024 trip you must necessarily try the ceviche or causa rellena. I’m not lying when I say that you have not tasted anything like it in life.

    ideas for vacation in peru peruvian cuisine


    “We know you are looking for the best Ideas for Vacation in Peru and that is why we recommend you to participate in the Grape Harvest, also known as the party of abundance in which the best grapes are harvested to create the iconic drinks of Peru as Pisco and Wine, this celebration occurs in the month of April.”

    peruvian culinary tour

    Click here to learn more


    5.1.- Amazon Rainforest

    Visiting the Amazon is undoubtedly among the best Ideas for Vacation in Peru, a place away from the world where disconnecting from the routine is not an option but an obligation. Living with the wildlife makes this destination very popular for those people looking for a more natural and outdoor experience. There are multiple options for tours to the Amazon rainforest but be careful, remember that you should always put your safety as the main factor so choose your travel companions well.

    ideas for vacation in peru peruvian amazon

    5.2.- Colca Canyon

    Considered as one of the deepest places in the world, the Colca Canyon is the perfect complement for people who come to visit the white city of Arequipa, with traditional activities for those who do not have much time and hiking activities for the more experienced, the Colca Canyon also offers one of the most incredible spectacles in the world, the flight of the condor makes this place something without comparison, of course you can not miss the opportunity to rest in its relaxing hot springs, there is always an activity for everyone.

    ideas for vacation in peru colca canyon

    5.3.-Nazca Lines

    Considered as one of the greatest mysteries in the world, visiting and flying over the Nazca lines is among the best Ideas for Vacation in Peru. A set of Geoflifes made in the vast deserts of Nazca of which neither the origin nor the purpose is known but still remain one of the most visited places in all of Peru.

    ideas for vacation in peru nazca lines

    5.4.- Lake Titicaca

    Some of the best Ideas for Vacation in Peru started with a single photo that you could see on instagram or as an advertisement, this is how you can also include Lake Titicaca during your next trip. This is considered as the highest navigable lake in the world and also contains an ecosystem that allows many species to have adapted it as their natural habitat but besides the natural part what surprises everyone is the social sector that adapted their lifestyle to artificial islands, this culture is known as the Uros. A civilization that developed in the middle of the waters of the lake out of contact with the outside on islands created from the Totora plant, of course there are also natural islands as is the case of Amantani and Taquile which is where the culture has developed in a natural way, here you can enjoy living experiences integrating into their culture and learning more about their traditions.

    ideas for vacation in peru nazca lines 1


    • Are there any luxury train journeys available in Peru besides the one to Machu Picchu?

    Yes, actually there is an exclusive train version that is more luxurious and it is the Andean Explorer, an experience worth living at least once in a lifetime. If you already have it in mind as part of the Ideas for Vacation in Peru you will not regret it, this train allows travelers to get from Cusco to Puno and Arequipa including food, lodging and entertainment services.

    • What are some ethical ways to experience Peruvian shamanic traditions?

    Mystic tourism is also part of the best Ideas for Vacation in Peru, in this you can enjoy a close connection with the Andean belief but it is important that you only consider it with a responsible company like Auri Peru, otherwise it could be dangerous because of the elements that are used.

    • What options are available for travelers with mobility issues in Peru’s major tourist sites?

    Even accessible travel is now much more developed allowing people who have this limitation to get to know destinations such as Machu Picchu, Rainbow Mountain and even the jungle, for this special transports have been developed where the traveler can travel the roads without any problem.

    • What are some unique shopping experiences in Peru beyond traditional markets?

    In addition to the souvenirs that can be found in local markets, it is also a good idea to make purchases in experiential places such as the case of Amantani Island in Lake Titicaca, what makes it so particular is that these are made only by men according to their tradition.

    • What are some options for family-friendly vacations in Peru that cater specifically to children’s interests?

    Besides historical or traditional destinations, within our Vacation in Peru Packages we also consider entertaining activities for the little ones such as a visit to the Chocomuseo learning all about Peruvian chocolate, as well as other activities that can be adventurous or quiet in experiential themes.

    • Are there any emerging wine regions in Peru worth visiting for oenophiles?

    These experiences mainly take place on the coast but the main one will always be the Ica region where the largest wine production is located due to the great production of excellent quality grapes.

    ideas for vacation in peru peruvian chocolate

    With our list of Ideas for Vacation in Peru we are sure that you will enjoy the trip from the first moment. Auri Peru wants your experience to be not only a trip like many others, we want it to be an unforgettable memory. Contact us now and let’s design together a tailor made adventure.

    Travel in youth is part of education, in adulthood it is part of experience.”













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    Signature Itineraries

    Discover Peru’s hidden gems beyond Machu Picchu. Let us guide you through the Andes and Amazon for a unique adventure. Explore ancient ruins, savor exquisite moments daily, and embrace the luxury of our tailored journeys.

    8-day trip

    Machu Picchu & The Lake Titicaca

    Follow the footsteps of the Incas from the mythical Machu Picchu to the sacred waters of the Lake Titicaca.

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    Machu Picchu Luxury Tour

    Indulge Your senses and ignite Your spirit of Discovery on this captivating 8 day luxury tour to the magnificient citadel of Machu Picchu, Peru.

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    MACHU PICCHU & THE AMAZON 11Days / 10 Nights
    10-day trip

    Machu Picchu & The Amazon

    Uncover peru`s treasures on this epic 10-day voyage from the ancient Machu Picchu Citadel to the biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest.

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