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    Colorful carnival masks displayed during the Cajamarca parade in Peru, showcasing vibrant designs and festive spirit.

    The Vibrant Carnival Of Cajamarca: Peru’s Most Colorful Celebration

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    Throughout Peru there are several festivities that take place throughout the year and among all there are some that stand out for their cultural richness practiced for generations. Among these, the Carnival of Cajamarca stands out by far, one of the most traditional festivities that is celebrated in Peru for 5 days. Auri Peru designed a complete guide about the Carnival of Cajamarca for you to know every aspect and importance it has in the cultural aspect.

    In fact the Carnival of Cajamarca has a deep direct relationship with the ancestral traditions of Andean origin and its purpose is to provide travelers a deep immersion in history and culture, living the experience of the Carnival of Cajamarca is a way to appreciate the traditions that are based on Andean customs with European influence.

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    Carnival of Cajamarca


    The Carnival of Cajamarca is considered one of the most important emblematic festivities of Peru, distinguished from the rest of traditional and cultural celebrations by the colorful custom of celebrating it, it is a festivity that mainly stands out to be held in the northern part of the country, exactly in the city of Cajamarca. Historically, its origin goes back in time to colonial times, where we can appreciate how the traditional roots and Andean beliefs were progressively mixed until giving as a result one of the biggest festivities that we know today as the Carnival of Cajamarca.

    2.- History of the carnival

    The Carnival of Cajamarca contains one of the deepest cultural meanings among many of the other festivities as it is the perfect blend of Andean traditions and European influences resulting in a festival that mainly provides a tribute to the earth or Pachamama, mixing the intervention of the community and above all the collective joy that can result in interaction in each of the moments. It is known that during pre-Columbian times many of the communities that existed throughout the Andes celebrated their festivities mainly in orientation to the main activity they performed, agriculture, so the celebration was directly related to planting and harvesting combines mainly with dances, music and above all ceremonies. With the arrival of the Spanish conquerors the tradition suffered a transformation and was adapted mainly to the programming that existed by the Catholic calendar adjusting many of the festivities to also use this method as a way to catalyze the people of the Andes, thus supplanting the ancestral festivity of the carnival with what is known today as Lent. The Carnival of Cajamarca is mainly characterized by the colorful parades it presents, along with traditional dances and a festive atmosphere where people mainly wear traditional costumes and native of the place where they belong, mixing water and foam games to demonstrate the fraternity and joy they can feel.

    3.- What makes the Carnival of Cajamarca unique

    One of the aspects that really distinguish the Carnival of Cajamarca from other Peruvian festivities is undoubtedly that its purpose is not only the celebration but also the integration, and in a shared environment, both inhabitants and visitors can enjoy a harmonious festivity and share. Among the most outstanding traditions is the “jueverito”, where all the inhabitants of Cajamarca make groups organized mainly by neighborhoods where street events are held mainly to denote the music and typical dances, it is also known that the Cajamarca carnival contains a powerful popular participation as the activity is based primarily on the game of water and foam where creatively the whole environment becomes fun.

    It is also quite popular that during the celebration is made use of traditional masks and among the most popular is the Vaca Loca, plus others that mainly have the representation of mythological figures within the Andean belief and local stories, along with all the comparas and local bands of musicians form a festival in which all the existing streets in the city of Cajamarca are filled with colors and special and unique rhythms.

    4.- When is the Carnival of Cajamarca celebrated?

    The Cajamarca carnival is celebrated regularly during the month of February and traditionally begins before Lent, however the duration can vary and extend for several days. Essentially the celebrations of the Carnivals begin with the celebration of the “jueverito” and ends on the “Burial of the Ño Carnavalon”, in this period of time each of the streets of the city of Cajamarca are completely transformed into scenarios where there are constantly the celebration and activities such as dance contests, music and it is also common to see floats where creativity and colors are distinguished.


    This celebration not only represents a festivity, in fact it is considered an essential pillar of the culture and part of the region Cajamarquina. Its celebration has transcended from being just a festivity to become part of the cultural identity, therefore it is considered as a celebration that strengthens ties between communities, maintains traditions and undoubtedly promotes the feeling of the inhabitants. The carnival itself is a symbol of cultural wealth that belongs to the city of Cajamarca and works almost perfectly with the cultural heritage with European traditions and other aspects that with modernity are being adapted.

    6.- Cultural Importance

    Each of the people of Cajarma not only considers the carnivals as a moment of entertainment during the year but also as a form of expression of the living culture that has transcended even in generations. Through traditional dances, masks, music and above all diverse festivities, the carnivals have been shared in an expression of the link that exists with the Andean cosmogony through art and color. Mainly the festivity refers to the celebration of life, community work and the fundamental joy that is achieved through sharing. Activities such as the “Jueverito” integrate the participation of local people and visitors while immersing themselves in Andean customs and are essential to reflect the community character that exists in the festivity.

    On the other hand this celebration has also become a complete platform for artistic expression for both local people and visitors, each of the local costumes and dances are accompanied by comparsas in which artists can induce their best works and demonstrate in this way the creativity they possess which in many ways also helps with the preservation of craft traditions and encourages local talent.


    7.1.- Ño Carnavalón (King of Carnival)

    This character is considered the center of the celebration in the carnivals that take place in the city of Cajamarca. His presence symbolizes the main figure as the king of the carnival. The origin of this character is essentially based on a mythological legend of Andean origin and then merged with the beliefs of European traditions. Some say that the Ño Carnavalon represents the sense of abundance, renewal and life in addition to all that is celebrated during the carnival and is also linked to the fertility of the land. During the span of days that the carnival lasts the Ño Carnavalon becomes the center of tension and is considered as the symbol of joy and emphasis of life, during this process is also performed his coronation as it is one of the moments that most awaits both local people and visitors, In a very particular ceremony starts the starting point for the festivities where one of the local people is chosen who will assume the role of the Ño carnavalon being mainly a man who dresses in luxurious costumes, wears a crown and a center and is always honored throughout the festivity. The coronation is always accompanied by a parade and a great feast where the new king takes his place throughout the days of festivity.

    carnival of cajamarca king of carnival


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    7.2.- Patrols and Comparsas (Carnival Groups)

    These groups of people are those who actively participate in all the festivities that take place during the carnivals, each one is dressed in costumes of typical characters and represent various styles and traditions as well as legends of the city of Cajamarca. Each of the costumes are essentially vibrant and colorful having traditional masks ranging from mythological characters to characters of everyday life having the characteristic presence of figures such as the Vaca Loca being one of the most representative within the celebration and walking the streets to the beat of the music. This presentation of costumes and of course masks is not only the connection with the creativity of many local artisans but in parallel is considered as a symbol of cultural identity and connection with the Andean cosmogony. Among the shows that can be seen we see how the patrols and troupes are also quite popular for shows that provide music and dance where they seek to interpret traditional melodies of each place and popularly you can see how the typical dance of Cajamarca, the huayno, is represented by many people.

    carnival of cajamarca carnival groups

    7.3.- Concurso de Coplas (Song Contest)

    Among the various competitions that take place during these celebrations, the coplas contest is undoubtedly one of the most representative activities that can be enjoyed during the celebration of the carnivals since in this event all participants create coplas or humorous verses to criticize or mock in a sarcastic way of social, political and of course everyday events. Each of the coplas are always accompanied by instruments such as guitar, cajon, bass drum and quena to give it a rhythm and flavor. With the passage of time have been created emblematic and own coplas of the carnival so that for generations have been repeated, in each case full of humor and social criticism which are sung in high pitch during parades and festivities, this competition is an ideal time for each box mark can not show his wit and can denote the collective memory that exists.

    carnival of cajamarca song contest

    7.4.- Water Battles

    Among the most representative traditions of the carnival itself, the water games are undoubtedly the most popular and the most awaited by both children and adults, it is a war between the participants where they essentially throw water in a festive and carefree way. This custom actually has an astral symbolism and has been mainly related to the act of purification as well as renewal since the element of water is vital for life and is commonly used to clean and renew energies that may be stagnant or characterized as heavy. With the passing of time, other elements have been added to this characteristic activity such as the use of talcum powder, foam and even paints, which in more than one aspect creates a playful environment full of humor, allowing the people who participate in these games to have a close relationship with the environment and in this way immerse themselves in a simpler way with the culture and its traditions.

    carnival of cajamarca water battles

    7.5.- Unseen (Burial of Ño Carnavalón)

    The moment that closes and puts an end to the celebration is the burial of the Ño Carnavalon, during this process the king is stripped of his luxurious clothes, which has a much deeper meaning as it represents the end of a cycle, a moment in which Lent is about to begin and all acts of excess must be left behind and the celebrations must be in joy to begin a time of reflection. This act of burial is a ceremony that also reflects the duality that exists between life and death or joy and recollection. This community event involves the participation of all the inhabitants since it is carried out in the form of a ritual and the people who have participated in the celebration begin with the procession to accompany the king of the festivity in his last moment of the journey, this is how the carnivals are dismissed between music, crying, laughter and many other emotions resulting in an atmosphere of solidarity and unity among people.

    carnival of cajamarca burial of no carnavalon


    We already know that the city of Cajamarca is located in the northern part of the country so it is very easy to access this place and there are several ways to do it.

    • The traditional way is to be able to do it through a flight, for this you must hire the service of a company like LATAM to get here, usually the travel time can last between 1 hour and 20 minutes, it is the easiest way to get here.
    • The second alternative incurs to have more time since from major cities like Lima, Trujillo or Chimbote you can take a tourist bus, essentially we recommend the transport of Cruz del Sur, this trip lasts between 8 and 12 hours depending on the distance and is the perfect choice for those looking to have a closer experience with the culture.


    “The UNESCO entity established in 2012 that the carnivals held in the city of Cajamarca are included in the list of cultural heritage of humanity, thus highlighting the high cultural value it has in addition to what highlights its importance to the cultural identity of humanity.”

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    • When is the Carnival of Cajamarca celebrated?

    Mainly this celebration takes place during the month of February, time before Lent. What marks the beginning of the celebration is the “jueverito” and ends with the popular activity of the “burial of the Ño carnavalon”.

    • How do locals celebrate Carnival in Cajamarca?

    The inhabitants of Cajamarca have a great number of activities and traditions that they carry out during the celebration of the carnival, from traditional parades of comparsas, election and coronation of the new king of the carnival, popular battles of water, talcum powder and foam in addition to the traditional songs between music and dance.

    • What should I wear to participate in the Cajamarca Carnival?

    The most important thing is to wear comfortable and light clothing, remember that the festivity is mainly about playing with water and colors so you should not mind if it gets wet or stained. It is also important that you have suitable footwear that preferably can be water resistant and that after the games you can easily clean it.

    • Is it safe to bring cameras and electronics during water battles?

    It is not advisable to do so since mainly electronic devices can be affected due to the intensity of the water battles, if you are looking to have a souvenir of this celebration nowadays there are water resistant cases for cell phones that you can use.

    • How many days should I plan to stay in Cajamarca for the Carnival?

    The most advisable is to have a stay of at least four days, this allows you to properly enjoy the experience in Cajamarca without missing any of the activities or events that may occur during the celebration.

    carnival of cajamarca FAQs

    Now you know all about carnivals and it’s time for you to live it in the flesh. Auri Peru designs experiences that integrate visitors with the culture in a special way allowing them to live this experience in a close way, contact us now and we will guide you in an unforgettable adventure.

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