The Hairless Peruvian Dog is a very particular breed that has its origin in Peru and is popularly recognized for its adaptability in addition to its particular appearance, what is striking at first glance of this dog is that it lacks fur like most specimens because of this it has been associated on multiple occasions to spiritual beliefs and being part of various legends as well as ancestral practices. Despite being present in Peruvian history for a long time, it has only recently gained popularity and recognition in the last decades as a unique breed in the world, being also catalogued as a Peruvian Inca Orchid.
The official name of this breed is Hairless Peruvian Dog and many organizations that represent dogs internationally such as the Fédération Cynologique Internationale and the American Kennel Club have recognized it distinctively as this particular breed of Peru dog is directly linked to history and is a symbol of Peruvian cultural heritage. The origin of this breed even goes back to pre-Columbian times where it is associated with mystical and sacred aspects that are typical of the Andean belief, the profile that it presents is undoubtedly unique and fascinating since the main feature of lack of hair all over his body is what makes it more characteristic and also that among the many presentations there are also sizes and varieties but of course the most striking feature is undoubtedly the absence of hair all over his body.
1.1.- Size classification
The genetics in each of its species varies according to the specimen and so far three types of size have been recognized:
- Dogs weighing between 4 kg and 8 kg are considered small in size since the height only goes up to 25 cm and 40 cm.
- Dogs weighing between 8 kg and 12 kg are recognized as medium size and can measure between 40 cm and 50 cm.
- Finally, those weighing more than 12 kg are of large size and can easily exceed 50 cm.
“Until you have loved an animal, a part of your soul will be asleep.” |
1.2.- Distinguishing characteristics and appearance
It has a slender figure but at the same time muscular and the body at first sight can reflect the energy and vitality it possesses, on the other hand the face of this dog is quite elegant as it contains medium sized ears that in many cases are erect, it is also notorious that it has a slender and long neck that is combined with a straight back which gives it a noble and imposing demeanor. Although it does not contain fur, the skin of this dog is quite soft and warm to the human touch, also something that is also quite characteristic in this breed is that the only presence of hair is located on the top of the head or at the tip of the tail.
Something that also causes a lot of curiosity about the Hairless Peruvian Dog, is that the color of its skin varies from black, brown, gray and lighter shades like beige, you must consider that its skin is quite susceptible and vulnerable to the sun for this reason the owner of this species always has a more special care to protect it against burns.
1.3.- Genetics of the breed
The Peruvian Inca Orchid is recognized mainly by the lack of hair, however this is not something aesthetic in fact it is due to a genetic mutation that directly affects the growth of the hair or hair and particularly in this breed this mutation is presented in the hr gene (hairless) that directly affects the development of the hair follicle. For generations this same mutation has been inherited although in many cases it has also been responsible for preventing the reproduction of this breed, however this has not prevented or affected in any way the vulnerability or extinction of the breed.
Although it lacks hair in most of its body, its skin is quite sensitive so it commonly has problems with infections and for this it requires very special care such as creams, frequent baths and protective lotions. Fortunately the genetic mutation has also allowed the breed to be quite resistant to dermatological diseases that can commonly affect other breeds, so in a way their disadvantage has become a great strength regarding their health.
The Hairless Peruvian Dog or Peruvian Inca Orchid is considered one of the most fascinating breeds that can be found in Peru, however something that many people do not know is that this animal has a unique connection with the history and culture that hides the Andean country, the existence of this breed takes us back in time to pre-Columbian times where it played a very important role in traditions and myths of Andean populations, its ability to adapt to significant altitudes and the particular appearance that has been cataloged as a symbol and connection that has the human being with nature.
2.1.- Pre-Columbian origins
This breed of dog originated during pre-Columbian times, mainly in civilizations found in the northern coast of the country. It is estimated that the first cultures that managed to domesticate them were the Moche and Chimu who adapted their breeding as part of their daily life and saw it not only as a companion but in fact as a being that contained mystical and spiritual properties which could be used for healing purposes and whose presence could protect humans from evil spirits so it was revered as a sacred being.
There are legends that come from these cultures in which it is considered that the Hairless Peruvian Dog had a very important role in the process of life as it represented a guardian who had the task of accompanying the spirits during their journey to the afterlife, this symbolic representation was inherited for generations and was shared among many later cultures leaving these spiritual symbolism present in Peru and South America.
2.2.- Archaeological evidence
Something that has surprised a lot in excavations and discoveries is that the Moche and Chimu cultures used as one of the most outstanding elements in the artistic representations the presence of this breed, mainly evidenced in vases, ceramics and objects of the time where until today you can see how the image of this dog had an importance in everyday life and of course in religious aspects. Undoubtedly the art of the Moche culture is the most representative since it is characterized by realism and meticulous details, this is how this dog is shown in various illustrations with a direct relationship with humans where it is shown that its presence was indispensable, in others it appears accompanied only by figures so it also gives a highlight to its symbolic role of protection and guardian.
Most of these artistic expressions suggest that the presence of this animal also has a purpose in a funerary context since its presence was important in the Andean culture, because according to the belief that death is not the end of life but only another beginning in which the person embarks on a new journey to a new world.
2.3.- Important findings
Among the most important archaeological findings related to this breed of dog are those discovered in territory that was once part of the Moche and Chimu cultures. Thanks to recent studies carried out on the bones found in tombs and funerary spaces, it is better understood that this animal had a very important role at a ceremonial and religious level, since the position in which the remains were found represented the great symbolic importance it had. In general, animals were buried next to human beings, mainly with those who had a high social status, thus reinforcing the idea of the role they played as protectors of life after death.
Finding them in funerary places also gives a clue as to what these animals were treated with great respect since the meeting place was mainly in places of rulers and characters of high society where they were surrounded by ceremonial objects and offerings so the idea that they acted as guardians is increasingly reinforced.
There are legends about how this breed of dog had a very important role within the Inca civilization, this because the influence of spiritual beliefs was directly related to the treatment of the high social class where the religious and ceremonial aspect was the most important for this reason it is considered that a Peru dog at that time was not considered as a pet but in fact as a being that possessed spiritual and mystical swimming.
In the Andean belief the nature is full of elements that are considered sacred and among them the animals have the quality of being messengers of the gods to humans, due to the in particular aspect that the Hairless Peruvian Dog possesses it was also related in this way besides its incredible capacity of resistance it was known as a special being with the capacity to connect directly to the spiritual world, In addition, with the previous cultural heritage of pre-Columbian cultures, it was known that this being was capable of accompanying the spirits of people who died in their journey to the afterlife and in this way could be a guardian during the journey. Of course, there is no concrete evidence of this link between the Inca culture and dogs, but it is known that it was part of the domesticated fauna and that in some iconographic representations it can be seen that this canine figure was highly valued.
4.- Spanish Conquest
With the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in 1533, most of the traditions and cultural practices that were part of the Inca identity were eliminated and destroyed, including the valuation and worship of the Hairless Peruvian Dog. With the process of the conquest, the Catholic religion imposed its superiority over the beliefs and the system of life that existed, so that the worship of species and natural aspects disappeared. This was the main cause of the severe decrease of live specimens of this breed, and with the arrival of the Spaniards, other dog breeds were also introduced, which easily replaced the local ones.
With the passing of time, the breeding of these animals diminished and succumbed to the shadows of history, having only a valuation in some remote and remote areas of the Peruvian Andes, where the customs have fortunately managed to survive and survive in an adequate manner. With the process of colonization and extermination of indigenous beliefs also represented a serious attack and almost extinction of this race, however, as we have already mentioned, fortunately it has become a species that adapts easily to the environment, so thanks to this resistance it is one of the species that today can still be appreciated alive and it is understood why such great cultures valued it in a very special way.
This breed is unique in its kind, characterized by a particular aspect and being a cultural heritage, it is important to understand that the lack of fur also implies a very special care on the part of the owners who nowadays have dogs that fortunately are in perfect health and in some way promote their breeding. Although it is resistant in many aspects, its skin suffers from temperature sensitivity and is fickle to genetic problems, for this reason it is important to take the following aspects into consideration.
5.1.- Skin Care
Its skin is also a very characteristic feature of this breed, since it does not have fur, the skin is directly exposed and can be very susceptible to various problems, although in general its skin is soft and smooth, it can also become fragile and very prone to irritations or infections, for this reason it is important to follow these indications.
- When the skin is directly exposed it is easy to dry out, for this reason it is important to provide constant hydration, for this you can use special oils and creams that have been developed for dogs and in this way nourishes the skin to prevent irritation.
- It is common for dogs to want to be under the sun for a long time, however in the case of this breed it is possible that this can cause burns and eventually irritations, for this it is very important to constantly apply sunscreen in all areas that are vulnerable.
- Even without having a coat, this breed of dog requires constant baths to maintain a clean and dirt free skin, for this veterinarians usually use and recommend mild shampoos that are designed and created specifically for dogs with sensitive skin.
- It is important to constantly carry a medical control to take care of the skin of this breed, any slight detection of infection, wounds, lumps or parasites should be treated properly in the company of a certified doctor.
5.2.- Sensitivity to temperature
It is also very important that you understand that thermal variations can mean a serious risk for this species, in the case of cold places this breed can present discomfort since not having fur on their body it is common that the body heat drops quickly and they feel vulnerable for this is a good idea to keep them warm with appropriate clothing such as sweaters or jackets that have been designed specifically for this type of dog also should remain in warm and comfortable places to rest without problem.
On the other hand in the case of places where the temperature is higher can cause dogs to develop stress and even fatigue which commonly represents dizziness or unconsciousness, for this reason they should always have access to fresh water and it is better if you can add hats or scarves on the head so they are not directly exposed to the sun or heat.
“Nowadays it can be assured that the Hairless Peruvian Dog is a living representation of the wide tradition that exists in Peru as well as the emblem of the cultural heritage that has been transmitted for generations, the presence of this animal in the daily life of populations and ancient cultures has allowed to trace the origin of this breed to be able to understand at the same time the symbolism that has been registered during the passing of the centuries.”
- Why do Peruvian dogs have no hair?
This breed of dog is mainly characterized by having a genetic mutation that prevents them from developing hair growth, this mutation is found in the Hr (hairless) gene, which is represented by a lack of fur on most of their body.
- Are Peruvian hairless dogs hypoallergenic?
It is important to understand that this breed of dog is not completely hypoallergenic, this is because allergies can also be caused by some components that are present in the saliva, urine and skin of the animal, although of course the lack of hair considerably reduces the dispersion of these elements.
- How much does a Peruvian hairless dog cost?
The price varies considerably depending on the place where you decide to buy, it is estimated that a puppy of this breed can be worth between $500.00 dollars and $2000.00 dollars.
- Do Peruvian hairless dogs get cold?
Yes, like other breeds they also tend to have an acute thermal sensation, so in the presence of cold they can feel uncomfortable in their behavior, for this reason it is important that they permanently wear clothes if they are in places with cold conditions.
- What is the temperament of Peruvian hairless dogs?
Generally they are affectionate and dociles, besides they always have an affectionate and playful behavior and they are recognized as a loyal and affectionate breed.
During your next trip to Peru you could have the opportunity to have a great time with this beautiful species if you organize it properly. Auri Peru can help you with the process in a special way by customizing every moment for you, contact us now and let us create the best adventure of your life.
“Dogs are man’s best friend.”