The Sacred Valley of the Incas has long been considered one of the most emblematic places in Peru because in many ways it is represented as the epicenter of the Andean world where even today is still preserved almost intact culture, traditions and even activities that have overcome the passage of time. Inside this territory it is possible to find several Local markets at the Sacred Valley characterized mainly by maintaining a unique style of tradition. It is also very characteristic of this place the fact that it is located between mountains that are part of the mountain range, which also provides a unique characteristic in its climate and temperature. Although there are hundreds of communities in various parts of the Sacred Valley, there are some that are characterized by being more popular in the tourist area and are mainly Pisac and Chinchero. The case of Ollantaytambo is quite particular as it is more characteristic for being a place of passage for those seeking to reach the Inca city of Machu Picchu, making the two previously mentioned villages are much more important in terms of connection with tradition represents, but for this reason it is more complicated to choose which of these two should be the priority to visit during your trip to the sacred valley, Pisaq or Chinchero Market?.
1.1.- Cultural importance of traditional markets
In order to make the right choice and answer the question, Pisaq or Chinchero Market?. First we must understand what a traditional market is, although many people have designated these places as points of sale of products, the reality is that it is more a reflection of the daily life of the people who inhabit these villages, maintaining the traditional customs that have been inherited for generations even since pre-Columbian times. It is worth mentioning that a traditional market is the heart of the population since being a point where farmers and artisans can offer various products of harvest or creation makes a point of cultural exchange as well as connection between people where they can coincide and relate directly. Options of fresh products in addition to traditional textiles make the markets a very representative place of the place, it is also the reason why in these places is common to see how the local people are usually dressed in their original and typical costumes full of colors and textures that reflect their great relationship and cultural heritage that maintain Andean traditions, in this way knowledge and traditions are transmitted to new generations.
1.2.- Tradition and Custom
Constantly there is the doubt which one to visit, Pisaq or Chinchero Market?. It is important to understand that each of these two places has its own emblematic characteristics that make it unique. The market of Pisac in particular is known as one of the most emblematic places of the whole area and is enabled to be visited between Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday since these days are considered as the main days where people gather to make exchanges of products that are also known as “Trueques” and in this way they can get to interact with other people, essentially this represents more than just a moment of interaction is part of everyday life that these people maintain and has become the main economic source of livelihood also reinforced with the tourist activity.
On the other hand, the Chinchero market is more linked to the traditional heritage since it essentially bases its products on a variety of options and local elements such as medicinal herbs, textiles and other objects that are part of the cultural heritage as united arts and ceramics, in fact this town is recognized as one of the most linked to the history and tradition by the ancient techniques that until today are practiced in a natural and ancestral way elaborating all their products by hand.
It is also very important to understand that one of the most important aspects that are maintained as tradition in any traditional market is the language, the Quechua language is the native language that was once practiced by the Inca culture and inherited to this day by most of the population and is constantly used for social interactions, which is something very practical and fun for world travelers because listening to that kind of conversations can easily break the ice and bring the topic of conversation which is also a way to promote the culture.
1.3.- Economic Impact
A traditional market represents a great cultural contribution as a means and resource of development since it allows the obtaining of economic resources for the local people and during the last years it has become one of the bases of their local economy. As there are several cultural and tourist destinations many people choose to visit Machu Picchu but first having a visit to the sacred valley where you can enjoy learning more about the tradition and cultural heritage, during this visit you can get the opportunity to get unique products and is the ideal time to buy an authentic souvenir of the traditional markets, this practice is a cultural activity that comes even from Inca times and even before.
We know that you still have the doubt of what priority you should give, Pisaq or Chinchero Market?. for that it is important that you understand the essential aspects such as distance, altitude and of course cultural contribution that you can expect during the visit of either of the two.
2.1.- Pisac Market
Relatively it is the closest place to Cusco since it is only 32 km away from the city which is equivalent to 45 minutes by car, thanks to this proximity it has become one of the most accessible traditional markets that you can enjoy during your trip to the sacred valley and it is also convenient if you do not have much time available. There are several options for you to reach this place in an easy way during the day.
- The traditional version includes a tourist visit known as guided tour, this alternative involves several visits in which also includes the archaeological centers and is the best alternative to get to know the vast sacred valley, of course this alternative has a slightly higher cost as it involves the complete logistics such as transportation, guide, food and entrance tickets, but we are sure it will be the best option during your visit. Something that makes it very special is that it saves you from having to make the tedious decision, if you still have the doubt, Pisaq or Chinchero Market? and this alternative allows you to visit both destinations during the same day.
- The alternative option is also quite similar only that only the transportation part is considered, this way you can do it with your own time and it is recommended mainly for those who choose to be more independent during the trip. For this option you have the alternative of being able to hire it directly with your travel agency or on the other hand hire the service of a transport that you can do it through the InDriver application, remember that in either direction you should never take a vehicle from the street for safety.
“Remember it’s not altitude sickness, it’s the thrill of being close to heaven.” |
Arriving at the town of Pisac the visit can be done smoothly and with tranquility since the whole place is distributed and it is impossible to get lost, from the first moment a visitor arrives at the market of Pisac you will find a unique and special atmosphere since it is surrounded by colors and many friendly people who provide various options of handicrafts and souvenirs that all travelers can get, each of the actions are properly delimited for this reason the tour becomes quite simple however always remember to wear comfortable shoes so you can enjoy your visit.
2.2.- Chinchero Market
Although it is a little further away, it is undoubtedly a perfect opportunity to enjoy a unique traditional experience since this town has preserved the tradition and culture of their ancestors for generations, even reflecting it in their daily activities to this day. It is located 35 km from the city of Cusco, which is equivalent to approximately an hour’s drive. To get to this town is relatively simple and in the same way has several alternatives from which you can choose.
- The options of guided services are also ideal for visiting the town of Chinchero because they facilitate the organization in its entirety and you only have to worry about being on time at the place of pick up, another benefit of choosing this option is that you should no longer be choosing or worrying about answering the question, Pisaq or Chinchero Market? Since this alternative allows you to know both destinations and thus compare the contrast that has each of the local markets.
- The second alternative is also quite popular and it is to hire a private transport that allows you to get to Chinchero where you can enjoy the time you want in its entirety, it is also possible to do it through the InDriver application or through your travel agency.
Thanks to its organization there is no doubt that the visit to the town and market of Chinchero is much more personalized since they contain less affluence unlike Pisac, for this reason for those seeking a more peaceful and relaxed atmosphere it becomes a great alternative, also when you walk through its cobbled streets you can get to feel how the culture is kept alive in each of the people who is today inhabit it, naturally it is also very difficult to get lost since it is a small space that is completely organized. However, each traveler must take the necessary precaution since this place is located at a much higher altitude than even Cusco, reaching up to 3762 m above sea level, however the experience of interacting with these people becomes something more natural and traditional.
Towns such as Pisac and Chinchero are considered authentic places where you can appreciate the handicraft tradition that is key to the development of the Sacred Valley. Each of these traditional markets offers travelers the opportunity to get a souvenir among the variety of products that are produced in a handmade way.
3.1.- Textiles
They are represented as the most emblematic category of a traditional market, there is no doubt that the textile heritage is considered as one of the millenary icons in Pisac as well as in Chinchero, the variety is so wide that visitors can choose different handmade products that have been made for generations following millenary techniques. Among the most common textile options that can be found are undoubtedly garments such as ponchos, chullos, blankets, sweaters and many other options. Traditionally these products are made from wool extracted from Andean camelids, mainly alpaca, although of course there may be variations of lower quality such as sheep or better quality such as vicuña. Traditionally the fiber obtained is white which when mixed with various elements of nature as the case of cochineal (insect) or Achote (plant) can generate various shades of colors that is quite characteristic at the time of processing to create patterns and geometric shapes that are quite characteristic and characteristic of the Andean worldview.
3.2.- Ceramics
The practice and elaboration of ceramics is undoubtedly one of the oldest millenary inheritances that have been received from ancient civilizations, in both towns it is common to see how an incredible variety of unique ceramic pieces are offered in its type that can be used from common utensils to some elements that have decorative purposes only. The variety of options that can be found of this type of souvenir goes from plates, jars, vases and many other elements which are finally decorated mainly with Inca and Andean symbology where the presence of zoomorphic forms such as pumas, condors or snakes is prioritized, besides also containing other geometric patterns that are considered linked to nature.
3.3.- Jewelry
Also considered as a category of highlight in the Andean villages since the management of goldsmithing is a practice that many artisans have adopted as their own creating in this way aesthetic jewelry pieces ranging from simple and delicate aspects to naturally more elaborate and ornamental options, creating pieces that are influenced mainly with nature and linked to the Andean iconography so that each of these pieces of jewelry becomes a piece of culture. Often these elements are made with silver and gold which are combined with some stones of cultural value such as turquoise, lapis lazuli and obsidian so you can recreate popular images such as the sun, moon, hummingbird, flowers and many other symbols that are directly linked to the Andean belief, the most popular of which is undoubtedly the Chakana which is also known as the Andean cross.
“Thanks to studies it is known that the Inca culture did not have 1 unit of payment as we see it today, instead they performed the activity of barter which is the exchange of one product for another in order to balance its value, in this way they could get items that were not native to the area and had to be brought from other regions of Peru. This is the basis on which the idea of a traditional market was created, a place in which an exchange of products can be made in exchange for a benefit.”
- Which market offers the more authentic experience?
There is no doubt that the Chinchero market is the alternative that offers a much more authentic experience even though both options show local traditions, Chinchero is more preferable due to the less presence of tourists and a calmer atmosphere to visit, also the cultural heritage of textiles is more present in this town.
- What unique products can only be found in each market?
In the case of the Pisac market you can find textiles with better finishes and a higher quality workmanship, it is also possible to find authentic and unique ceramic figures of its kind. The Chinchero market offers options of more ancestral and cultural textiles since they are elaborated with millinery techniques that have been passed down for generations and to this day can be appreciated even in real time.
- Which market offers deeper cultural knowledge?
The town of Chinchero has a more intense essence due to the innate practice of traditional customs for generations, for this reason the focus on the elaboration of products such as textiles or ceramics becomes a recreation of the practice as they did in the ancient artisans who lived during the Inca culture.
If even after knowing all this information you still have the indecision of not knowing which place to give more importance, Pisaq or Chinchero Market? The answer is quite simple, visit both. With Auri Peru you can enjoy the best that the Sacred Valley has to offer and with enough time to get to know in detail each of its cultural contributions, contact us now and we will start designing your next adventure.
“There are 3 moments of the trip, when you dream, when you enjoy it and when you remember it.”