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    Travel Tips for beginners to travel to Peru

    Travel Tips For Beginners To Travel To Peru

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    For the first experience away from home the excitement is something uncontrollable. For this reason it is better that you take into account all the travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru so you can enjoy every moment. Taking into account details such as transportation, safety, accommodation, health and even destinations, Auri Peru presents you the best list of travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru to facilitate the process.

    Researching some tips ahead of time will help alleviate the worry or fear you may feel during your first experience outside your country. Some of the travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru are intended not only for the youngest but for everyone, let’s discover together how to make your trip an unforgettable experience.

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    travel tips to travel to peru intro


    There are many stories of what Peru can offer you as a tourist destination but believe me none of them describe it as it really is, although of course we can start with the word unique. Within all South America the country of Peru has one of the largest biodiversities in the world besides having a great culture and tradition inherited for generations from the cultures that settled many of these traditions until the present time in which we live a complete syncretism between Andean belief and European influence. We know that each of the travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru will help you to enjoy in a unique way incredible destinations such as flying over the huge geoglyphs in the Nazca Pampas, walking the Inca trails to reach the Inca city of Machu Picchu, visiting the waters of the world’s highest navigable lake Titicaca or just having a disconnection from the world in the Amazon jungle of Peru. Whether it is to save time, to prevent the right luggage or just to recommend a sequence of destinations, these travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru will make the trip unforgettable.


    2.1.- Pack the essentials

    Of all the travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru this is undoubtedly one of the most important because by packing the main items you will need you save space in your suitcase with many possibilities such as being able to buy more souvenirs of the destinations you visit and of course it makes the weight lighter thus causing a comfort when moving from one place to another. Obviously your comfort is important so when packing your personal items take into account the destinations you will visit. If your idea is to visit the Peruvian coast in any case it is better to pack light clothes because the weather is much warmer here, on the other hand if you visit the Andes then prioritize quality clothes because the nights can be very cold and finally in the Peruvian jungle it is recommended to have a personalized luggage because the weather is very hot here.

    travel tips to travel to peru pack the essencials

    2.2.- Always stay hydrated

    For all those travelers making their first trip to Peru it is common to feel some problems with the altitude, one of the travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru that will make your trip easier without a doubt is to always have a relation of water in your luggage, drinking water frequently helps the body to stay hydrated and as such avoids having these symptoms of discomfort, take into consideration that we are talking specifically about water, if you want to drink other liquids there are places where there are restrictions at least with drinks containing alcohol.

    travel tips to travel to peru stay hidrated

    2.3.- A travel companion

    One of our travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru most valuable for you is undoubtedly that you have at your disposal a light personal backpack where you can carry necessary luggage for the day, it should not be too big because you are looking for comfort not that you are carrying something heavy on your back everywhere. It is undoubtedly the ideal support to carry the objects with which you go everywhere as is the case of your cell phone, wallet, sunscreen, water bottle, snack, identification documents and others. Remember that for the destinations you will visit you don’t need to carry all your luggage in a suitcase, having an open mind you can improvise and enjoy it more.

    travel tips to travel to peru travel companion

    2.4.- Search, find and learn

    The travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru help you to have a better experience but without a doubt the best option for you will be that before visiting one of the tourist destinations you can search a little more information about the destination you are visiting. Each tourist destination in Peru is different so it is best that you are prepared on a permanent basis, some of the aspects that you should consider in your search are:

    • Basic weather information: A basic rule to follow when visiting a destination is to know the details of its climate and temperature, according to this it is convenient to know what kind of clothes to bring and what precautions to take.
    • Basic language: Not everyone speaks your language so if you are in need of help learn the basic words, in the case of Peru it is Spanish so knowing how to say “Hola”, “Puedes ayudarme con..”, “Gracias”, “Como puedo llegar hasta ….?” could make things easier.
Forms of transportation: Not in all the country work the popular applications like Uber, in some cases are more local options like InDriver, however always avoid getting into a cab on the street.

    travel tips to travel to peru learn spanish

    On the other hand, to get this information is not easy because the internet is very full of outdated information. For this reason as one of our travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru we give you some references on how to look for it.


    “Of all the travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru that I received, the best one was that I dared to do it even if I was afraid. It is common to feel worried that something will happen and that is why we put it off. But you know, something does happen, you never go back to being yourself after visiting such an incredible destination.”

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    2.5.- Don’t make things too tight

    One of the best travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru that you can receive will undoubtedly be that you are not so tight with the time, do not make connections so tight because there may be some delay either by mechanical issues or by the same weather. For this always put a margin of hours between your trips at least in relation to the flights so you do not have this inconvenience. The same goes for entrance tickets, give yourself a break and do not do it on the fly, many things are static and do not have a flexibility of change under any circumstances so avoid having these plans for your arrival day.

    travel tips to travel to peru travel with

    2.6.- Adapt to the local cuisine

    As part of the travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru is to taste the local food, not necessarily in an exclusive restaurant, the best way to do this will always be to visit the traditional places where the recipe is carried in the mind of who prepares it, here the best choice will always be the artisan markets where a plate of food can cost between $3.00 dollars to $8.00 dollars depending on the portion, what we assure you is that the taste will be unique, this seasoning is a cultural heritage that has generations. Ask your travel advisor about the best way to find the best local cuisine.

    travel tips to travel to peru adapt to the local cuisine

    2.7.- Meet new people and make friends

    Although it is not for everyone, one of the essential travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru is to take a shared tour. This allows you to meet people from all over the world who are probably in the same situation as you, so you can share a bit of experience and learn more interesting facts about the places you visit. Don’t hesitate to start a conversation with your seatmate, we are sure you can find a great travel or even life partner. The people of the places you will visit are also friendly, in fact it has been recorded that the people who live there are more friendly and cheerful with visitors than with each other which is a great advantage for those who enjoy their vacations in Peru.

    travel tips to travel to peru making new friends

    2.8.- Try to have a review of all your destinations

    Something peculiar that you can try during your trip without a doubt is to leave a small review in a personal notebook of all the places you will visit, among all the travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru, this is without a doubt the most nostalgic since it is like a small note that will travel in time until the moment in which you read your own memories and remember how you felt visiting this destination, of course this is not for everyone but it is simply for those travelers that are looking to live an unforgettable experience.


    “Travel serves to adjust the imagination to reality, and to see things as they are instead of thinking about how they will be.”


    2.9.- Paperwork and more paperwork

    Consider that one of the travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru that will help you the most before traveling is to have all your papers up to date and that involves finding out if you require something extra like the VISA, to enter Peru not all countries need it but you can find out in the consulate system. Another important aspect is that your identity document such as passport must be valid for at least six months or more from the time of your trip, that is if your trip is in January your passport must be valid until July of that year in case you have less time you will have an observation and most likely you will not be allowed to board the trip, it is also very useful to have a copy of the passport that is always kept among your most stored items so if it happens the inconvenience of what you lose your document you can make use of this copy and not be stranded somewhere.

    travel tips to travel to peru paperwork

    2.10.- Emergency contacts

    One of our most basic travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru is undoubtedly the security of a backup, that is to say that you frequently communicate to your family where you are and send them photos. This allows them to always have a location of where you are and if for some reason an accident happens they can go to a specific place to look for you. On the other hand in the destinations there are also emergency numbers that you can call at any time for help:

    • Peruvian National Police: 105 / +51 945 324 496
    • Tourist Police: +51 980 122 335
    • S. Embassy in Peru: (01) 6182000
    • Immigration: (084) 222741
    • Fire Department: (084) 224065
    • Health: 112

    2.11.- Always recharged

    Nowadays the use of the phone is vital to delight a trip, among the main travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru is that you always stay connected and this involves that also your devices are kept with energy. Fortunately nowadays there are alternative options to achieve this, among these take into consideration to always carry with you:

    • A portable charger: An item made mainly for the purpose of providing power to personal electronic devices such as cell phones, cameras and the like, it will depend on the type you buy for a certain time but in any case it will save you from a hurry.
    • Adapter: Not all access points to electricity are the same and much less than in other countries, it is best to always have a suitable adapter that allows you to connect in any situation, you will find this type of adapter in a store selling tools.

    travel tips to travel to peru always recharged

    Now you have a little more information about your next destination but no matter how many travel tips for beginners to travel to Peru we give you, it all depends on you and the travel agency you choose for your next adventure. Auri Peru offers you a complete service so you don’t have to worry about the details, contact us now and let us design a personalized adventure for your first time in Peru.

    Traveling is like loving, it is trying to transform a dream into reality.



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